About Us

I think I was brought up in a normal loving typical NZ family of the sixties.In those days a hand shake was enough, and what we said was what we meant, and it didn't matter who we were speaking with.

We went to church occasionally and sang in a choir our Mum taught to sing in parts and we hardly ever saw our Dad in work days. But boy those camping holidays with primus stoves and big tents with wooden poles and no windows were fun. Canoes full of water in the surf and snorkelling and getting sunburnt and told off for smokimg cigarettes under the house and fish and chips on a friday night wrapped up in newspaper.

Morning paper runs at the age of 12. Getting yourself up at 5am , cooking some porridge and off to pick up 150 NZ Heralds on a single speed bike. Second hand when I got it 'new'! Thanks Dad. Had to learn how to repair punctures and grease the ball bearings.

Trying to make a used grease cartridge into a submarine. An unfenced pond in the yard. Us childen stealing sausages from the fridge after school and down the road two or three miles to the bush and the creek to light a fire, have a swim and cook the sausages. Swimming in one of the farm dams under the water and grabbing unsuspecting ducks by the feet.

This really was a child friendly society. We didn't worry about barbies or dora bags. All the mothers in the street were our Mothers. Very few of them thought that to love their child they had to buy the latest mass produced plastic wrapped crap. Non of us had cellphones!

In those days 80% of people either walked, road a bike or caught a bus to work or school. Maybe we need to reflect on this in our current habits.

I've tried to instill a similiar work ethic and love of exploring anything, mental, academic or physical into any children I've had contact with..The two boys are figuring it out and are pleased to be away from home, one bulding a warm house in Dunedin, the other helping him and planning on learning some engineering at Canterbury next year after a year in the Navy as a diver. And nearly 6 year old Bella, well her and I are currently competing to see who is going to rule the roost at home. She is my little shadow and mate.

The biggest problem our children are going to face is climate change. The other side of the coin reads peak oil. Everything we do today should be focussed on how our actions will either aggravate or constructively deal with these two issues.

The issue here is well beyond whether the problem is man and woman made; it is whether resistance to dealing with ithem will ultimately provide a requiem for our species, and most others probably within two hundred years.

It is unfortunate that almost all media attention that focusses on these scenarios offers coverage attuned to maximising sensation. There is little robust reporting indicating levels of objective integrity beyond simply supporting populist thought that appears to toe an editorial line and assist sales.

A summary of the reasoning and some comments surrounding these issues are found in the 'New Narrative' section of this site. Get in touch with me if you want to constructively or robustly discuss these issues. Bring a decent bottle of organic red wine and there's an open fire to enjoy with that, I'll make the bread and cheese.. and we'll save the world, create a new Narrative as the solution...

Tall Tree Company employs a small crew of individuals with particular skills and like minds, and are able to pull in others for work that requires specialist input in keeping with our goals of giving people a good deal and professional service.